Town of Newfane, NY Zoning Board of Appeals

Short-Term Rentals Are Regulated In The Town of Newfane, NY

Chairman: Troy Barnes


2737 Main Street
Newfane, NY 14108
P: 716.778.8822

The Town of Newfane Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) reviews building proposals and land use applications to ensure projects meet community development goals established by the Town Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance.

The ZBA uses criteria established by NYS Law to issue variances where projects and property improvements are not in conformance with provisions of the zoning law, but with review and modification may be deemed eligible. The ZBA also works with the Town Board and Planning Board to propose and recommend modifications to the Town Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance that are used to guide development and growth in the town.

The Zoning Board meets on the third Tuesday of the month (when necessary) at 7:00 pm at the Town Hall. Meetings are open to the public.

Requests to be included on the Zoning Board agenda and proposals requiring Zoning Board review and action are arranged by contacting the Building Inspector.

Other Zoning Board of Appeals Board Members

Zoning Board members are appointed to seven-year terms by the Newfane Town Board.

Troy Barnes: Chairman

Tyler Finley

Marcy Ferington

Jeremy Irwin

Charles W. Maynard

William Koller

Zachary Hanczarowski

Robin Bower/Secretary

James Sansone/Attorney

David Schmidt/Building Inspector


Contact Us

Our Town Hall

We're fully staffed with professionals that care about residents, businesses, and visitors. We invite you to come to visit us in person at the Town Hall. 

Hours:  Monday - Friday - 8:30 am until 4:30 pm.



Town Hall

2737 Main Street Newfane, NY 14108

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